For sole proprietorship

Our cooperation provides comprehensive business and accounting services, if you do not know about taxes or running a business, we will guide you through the whole process.

from 229 PLN net /month (for non-VAT on a lump sum)
from 279 PLN net /month (for VAT payers on KPiR)
  • Assistance in setting up a business
  • Electronic exchange of documents via Google Drive or email
  • Preparation and electronic sending of ZUS and US declarations
  • Keeping proper records (tax book of income and expenses or records of income)
  • Efficient answers to inquiries
For civil and partner companies

The plan includes a comprehensive accounting service. It is aimed at entrepreneurs operating with partners who want to devote themselves one hundred percent to developing their own business.

from 458 PLN netto /month
  • Individual settlements of shareholders ranging PIT and ZUS
  • Electronic exchange of documents via Google Drive or email
  • Keeping proper records
  • Preparation and electronic sending of ZUS and US declarations
  • Efficient answers to inquiries
Limited and limited liability companies

Accounting services for limited liability companies, limited partnerships and other entities that keep complete books. It includes assistance in determining the process of circulation of accounting documents and the rules of settlements with colleagues.

from 790 PLN netto /month
  • Full accounting with the option of personnel management and payroll
  • Financial statements (we value the report as one month's service)
  • Help in determining method of circulation of documents
  • Regularly sent statements about the Company
  • Efficient answers to inquiries
Go to the calculator to calculate the best plan for your business!

Write to us and let's start!

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