Adriana Figura

Adriana Figura

Junior Payroll specialist


Graduate of Finance and Accounting at the Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw. He has several years of experience in HR and payroll as well as accounting. He is constantly striving to expand his knowledge and competence. She loves good coffee, reading books and chocolate in any form.

Office staff

Yaroslava HrehulYaroslava HrehulYaroslava HrehulYaroslava Hrehul
Yaroslava Hrehul

Junior Accountant

Magda CelejMagda CelejMagda CelejMagda Celej
Magda Celej

Tax Manager

Łukasz GągałaŁukasz GągałaŁukasz GągałaŁukasz Gągała
Łukasz Gągała

CTO, Head Accountant

Karolina GrycelKarolina GrycelKarolina GrycelKarolina Grycel
Karolina Grycel

Junior Accountant

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