Tomasz Bethke

Tomasz Bethke

Automation assistant


Student of Finance and Accounting at the Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw. In our company, he is engaged in supporting the team in improving processes and improving activities. His comprehensive knowledge and lightning-fast problem-solving skills allow us to effectively automate tasks, contributing to the efficiency and innovation of our operations.

Office staff

Adriana FiguraAdriana FiguraAdriana FiguraAdriana Figura
Adriana Figura

Junior Payroll specialist

Natalia GierszewskaNatalia GierszewskaNatalia GierszewskaNatalia Gierszewska
Natalia Gierszewska

Junior Accountant

Szymon BochentynSzymon BochentynSzymon BochentynSzymon Bochentyn
Szymon Bochentyn

Accounting assistant

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