Natalia Gierszewska

Natalia Gierszewska

Junior Accountant


Graduate of Management and Finance and Accounting at the Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw. One of her professional goals is to obtain the ACCA qualification. Since childhood, combined with horse riding - a competitor in the competition of jumping over obstacles.

Office staff

Katarzyna WiązowskaKatarzyna WiązowskaKatarzyna WiązowskaKatarzyna Wiązowska
Katarzyna Wiązowska

Senior Accountant

 Piotr Piasecki Piotr Piasecki Piotr Piasecki Piotr Piasecki
Piotr Piasecki

CEO, Tax specialist

Yaroslava HrehulYaroslava HrehulYaroslava HrehulYaroslava Hrehul
Yaroslava Hrehul

Junior Accountant

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